Vedic Art
- a step by step method on how to connect to your creativity in art and life
- learn to trust your intuition and explore your personal expression
- practice mindfulness and become more aware of the creative process
- overcome fear by focusing more on the present moment than the end result
- enjoy a non judgmental environment
- choose your own materials like acrylic paint, drawing or mixed media
Vedic Art is founded by the Swedish artist Curt Kallmann, who spent more than 14 years developing this method. Curt Kallmann was chosen by Maharishi Mahesh yogi to develop this method so the Vedic principles could be taught to Western people.. Vedic Art's essence are the 17 principles from the 5000 year old ancient Vedas.
Curt Kallman´s own words about the Vedic Art method:
"Vedic Art does not teach anyone how to paint. No - Vedic Art is a way to remember how to paint. And not only to remember how art can be created. From the very beginning, when we hear about the seventeen Vedic Principles of Art, we begin to remember the whole story of life. From where we come, and where we are going. Vedic Art contains a navigation map. Use the compass You have in Your brain and find the way to the chamber of peace in Your heart. Then – when You dip Your brush in light, space and bliss, eternity will be pictured. When you enter into Your work of art - in Your self referral dialogue – You will find the code of how life can be lived and how a piece of art can open doors in heaven and on earth.´